DIY Desktop Storage Kit

The Tonecheer 3D Puzzle Desktop Storage Kit is not just about organizing items but also about tidying up your mood.

It completely undermines traditional storage concepts, offering a brand-new architectural scene cabin equipped with intelligent sensor opening and closing functions. When you pour your time and effort into assembling it, you gain a sense of accomplishment and make daily storage life more interesting. Featuring a top-opening design, the storage house is operated by smart sensors, lighting up as soon as the box is opened. Through the hands-on process, you can learn spatial organization techniques, and trying to establish life order becomes a small yet meaningful practice.

We have designed several scenarios for you to choose from: Onsen Saga, Cats' House, Time Bookstore, Cyber Game City, etc.

Plus, each of our 3d puzzle kits is made from environmentally friendly wood, and each product is perfect for collectors and DIY put-together enthusiasts! You can use them to enrich your room!

If you want to learn more about our brand and products, join our facebook group and see what people are saying about us! Tonecheer is looking forward to welcoming you!!!
